Coaching & Mentoring [2 Days]
Customised Training Programmes for Corporates.
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Organisational change management, employee motivation and development, and developing leadership and emotional intelligence competencies are crucial success factors for individuals and organisations in an aggressive 21 Century business environment. Coaching trends are not only challenging individuals to develop and manage themselves but are becoming an integral part of productive performance and accelerated learning. Coaching can help in career progression, strategic planning, skills development, employment equity and in building relationships and leadership potential. Many people at every level of the organisation can facilitate coaching processes and initiatives, producing a positive developmental culture within the organisation.
Providing mentoring is vital for junior management to have a role model who can guide their leadership and management development as well as imparting life skills.
This interactive and practical two day course will equip you with the skills to manage and develop coaching and mentoring skills for yourself and others in your organisation and will involve you from both the coach and coachee perspective.
- Understand and apply the principles of coaching and mentoring
- Develop and practice key coaching and mentoring skills
- Build positive relationships through coaching that support and empower individuals
- Set up coaching and mentoring programmes and plans to develop capability and motivation
- Conduct coaching sessions using well recognised coaching approaches and models
- Enhance your organisations effectiveness in focusing development on its key resource
- Enable internal coaching through change
- Module 1: Preparing to Coach and Mentor effectively
- Module 2: Coaching and Mentoring skills and principles
- Module 3: Developing the Coaching/Mentoring Relationship
- Module 4: The Coaching and Mentoring Process
- Module 5: Practical Application
- Module 6: Optional: Coaching through Change

Training Needs Analysis Tool

Personal Elevation Plan

Contact the Coach

Post Course Training Report


Learning Journey Framework
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