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The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Business

Employers used to focus on intellectual competencies, qualifications, work specific experience and technical knowledge. With the developing need for coaching, mentoring, multi-level leadership and communication skills there has been a shift to employing and developing Emotional Intelligence – the ability to relate to the self and other people. Emotional Intelligence is a key element in management and leadership, understanding one’s self and the people you manage in terms of motivation, behaviour and performance potential. Emotional Intelligence assists with: – Understanding yourself and motivations – Adaptability to change – Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills – Stress management – Empowering yourself and reaching fuller potential – Improving social relationships – Problem solving – Greater wellbeing and happiness As we want and demand more from life it becomes crucial to reprioritise our skills. A key area of success is pursuing the knowledge and understanding of ourselves and others.


To be successful we have to ACT with Emotional Intelligence. ACT stands for: Awareness; Choices; and Treating Others – the basic guidelines in recognising, understanding and managing emotions in ourselves and others. Some of the ways to ACT with emotional intelligence are: Awareness – develop positive attitudes in thinking and language and be aware of your attitude and the effect it has on yourself and others. Understand yourself – your strengths and weaknesses, your self-esteem, confidence and assertiveness issues in order to command results. Analyse your beliefs and values – see if they still serve you and understand the importance of personal values in managing others. Manage stress – know the impact of stress, what stresses you out and what helps. Make choices – choose what to think, say and do – take control. Don’t blame others – take responsibility for your own life. Make changes – develop positive habits to improve your work/life balance. Be able to say no to what you don’t want. Treating others – develop sensitivity, rapport and practice positive conversations. Give effective feedback for better performance. Recognise – the importance of your body language. Listen to people – A LOT! Developing listening skills will build and maintain trust. Improve conflict management skills – face up to and work with conflict. Set your boundaries – and keep your promises.

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Kwelanga Training has offices based in Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. We present public training courses at corporate venues in:

  • Johannesburg – Southern Sun Hotel, Katherine Street, Sandton
  • Pretoria – Southern Sun Hotel, Arcadia, Pretoria
  • Cape Town: Southern Sun Hotel, Newlands
  • Durban: Hilton Hotel, North Beach
  • Port Elizabeth: Cherry Place, Walmer
On-site training can be presented at any location in Southern Africa, our facilitators will train at your premises For further information contact: Julie Shoobridge Tel: +27 11 704 0720 Email: Website: 10th Anniversary Logo - disc sml “Shedding Light on Skills Development”

Employers used to focus on intellectual competencies, qualifications, work specific experience and technical knowledge. With the developing need for coaching, mentoring, multi-level leadership and communication skills there has been a shift to employing and developing Emotional Intelligence – the ability to relate to the self and other people.

Emotional Intelligence is a key element in management and leadership, understanding one’s self and the people you manage in terms of motivation, behaviour and performance potential.

Emotional Intelligence assists with:

– Understanding yourself and motivations
– Adaptability to change
– Intrapersonal and interpersonal skills
– Stress management
– Empowering yourself and reaching fuller potential
– Improving social relationships
– Problem solving
– Greater wellbeing and happiness

As we want and demand more from life it becomes crucial to reprioritise our skills. A key area of success is pursuing the knowledge and understanding of ourselves and others.


To be successful we have to ACT with Emotional Intelligence. ACT stands for: Awareness; Choices; and Treating Others – the basic guidelines in recognising, understanding and managing emotions in ourselves and others. Some of the ways to ACT with emotional intelligence are:

Awareness – develop positive attitudes in thinking and language and be aware of your attitude and the effect it has on yourself and others.

Understand yourself – your strengths and weaknesses, your self-esteem, confidence and assertiveness issues in order to command results.

Analyse your beliefs and values – see if they still serve you and understand the importance of personal values in managing others.

Manage stress – know the impact of stress, what stresses you out and what helps. Make choices – choose what to think, say and do – take control.

Don’t blame others – take responsibility for your own life.

Make changes – develop positive habits to improve your work/life balance. Be able to say no to what you don’t want.

Treating others – develop sensitivity, rapport and practice positive conversations. Give effective feedback for better performance.

Recognise – the importance of your body language.

Listen to people – A LOT! Developing listening skills will build and maintain trust.

Improve conflict management skills – face up to and work with conflict. Set your boundaries – and keep your promises.

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Kwelanga Training has offices based in Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. We present public training courses at corporate venues in:

  • Johannesburg – Southern Sun Hotel, Katherine Street, Sandton
  • Pretoria – Southern Sun Hotel, Arcadia, Pretoria
  • Cape Town: Southern Sun Hotel, Newlands
  • Durban: Hilton Hotel, North Beach
  • Port Elizabeth: Cherry Place, Walmer

On-site training can be presented at any location in Southern Africa, our facilitators will train at your premises

For further information contact:
Julie Shoobridge
Tel: +27 11 704 0720


10th Anniversary Logo - disc sml

“Shedding Light on Skills Development”

Employers used to focus on intellectual competencies, qualifications, work specific experience and technical knowledge. With the developing need for coaching, mentoring, multi-level leadership and communication skills there has been a shift to employing and developing Emotional Intelligence – the ability to relate to the self and other people. Emotional Intelligence is a key element in […]


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